Friday, May 11, 2012

Sagana Camping - part 3 - such a stick in the mud!

The camping characters:

    Zoltan - a UN economist and musician    
  • a Hungarian savage, living in Kenya
    Carrine - an amazing teacher, great cook and Zoli’s GF  
  • South African, turned Australian, turned East African by way of teaching in small, rural villages, now living in a sweet house in Nairobi where karaoke is often heard
    Dave - hmmm trying to develop countires    
  • A Brit turned Aussie now looking for employment in Kenya
    Mark - a construction project manager    
  • South African who’s lived and worked in Mozambique, back to S.A. now in Nairobi and my connection to this wonderfully interesting group
    Liz (also known as Rizzy) - UN refugee shelter specialist/architect    
  • South african traveling all throughout E Africa saving lives and taking names!  She is one master shelter builder and as well the connection between most the group
    Emily, Karl (aka Timmay due to his recent futbol accident) and Francis - School teacher friends of Carrine’s   
  • An American, a Kiwi & Kenyan
So as we drove through the countryside, heading off road toward the campground we came upon  marshy rice paddy with a muddy road too gooey to pass. Co-worker Mark/Diver of the afore mentioned Toyota Rav 0.4 decided it best to veer to the right off the of the main dirt road.  the next few minutes were filled with stinky mud being flung into the cab, some cursing, a gathering of miscellaneous local passer-byers and my 3 carmates rolling up their pant legs to asses the situation.  I silently decided it best for someone to stay in the vehicle in case driving out of this bog was needed.  I definitely was taking one for the team by not stepping out into the knee deep sewage run off water, filled with all sorts of malaria infested ‘squitos and cholera ridden waters with who knows what else lay in the murk.  Yep!  I was a real team player!  With some help from out friend Zoltan’s rope tow in his Winnie the Pooh Car, the combo Muzungu and local guy elbow grease and my superb driving abilities we were out in a jiff!  We continued onto the site and pitched tents under no less then 1 billion stars!  You could hear the rush of the falls near by, but I had no idea where they were or what they looked like.  We chowed down on some delicious Pasta Bol (pasta Bolognese) and took down a Châteauneuf-du-Cardboard of a delectable 2011 vintage.

1 comment:

  1. So.................Alexandra, is this supposed to be fun? Like, what about blood suckers or mud suckers (or have I watched too many African movies)?
