Oh the African places I must go!

- Spend weekend in Diani Beach
- Drill wells in Northern Kenyan Villages
- Hike Mt. Kenya
- Hike Mt. Kilimanjaro
- spend long weekend with my family friends in Kampala, Uganda  Taking my mom to spend time with our family friends was fabulous!  With dancing til 3am, boat rides at the start of the Nile, and so much family love!
- Help at least 3 different groups of Kenyan children (preferably girls)in need in Kenya
- Visit Madagascar
- Go to Dar es Salaam
- Camp somewhere in East Africa I camped at Rapids Camp in Sagana with amazing people and incredible laughs
- Spend a long weekend in Cape Town, South Africa  Very probably the best trip of my life!!  Making new family members, experiencing new pplaces, music and people.  Making memories that are forever tattooed on my brain!
- Have a conversation in Kswahili
- Visit Kisumu
- Have a massively succesful Launch to a new, high-end, Kenyan Hotel

**this list will be ever growing but I hope to complete all of these desires!

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