Friday, May 11, 2012

Sagana Camping - part 2 - no you're a Mzungu!

Back to journey to the campsite!  Our drive was gorgeous!! passing out of the city into the countryside where we saw little, make-shift fruit stands, goats roaming, the lushest fields and kids walking home from school.  As we neared the town of Sagana, we had to buy a couple things and that was not the first, but the most I had ever heard "Mzungu!" so many times in just a few minutes.  Mzungu, i have been told by everyone is like saying "white person" and not at all in a derogatory way, just like in Mexican culture they call out "wedo" and it just means light skinned people or blondes.  I looked up the definition and got a couple different explanations: European, Wanderer, Aimless Wanderer, and pretty much 'not from around here!  Regardless, the little song the cute local kiddos made up about us customers that looked totally different was adorable, as they smiled and studied our feature; scurried and ran with giggles as we waved; pushed one another closer and closer to us Mzungus.  It led to to some really great pictures!

I just love this little man's cool jeans!  And his warm wave 'Jambo!'

A typical scene on the road to the camp

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