Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Limiting thoughts

What are you assuming that is limiting your time here?

You know that feeling when things get uncomfortable? That's when you know that things are just getting good. Sometimes you need a little wake up call from the Universe but just around the corner is a new and interesting life!

Thursday, May 15, 2014


Passion is the most important drive in life.  Without it, there is no zest.  There is no sunlight shining through the trees.

I want to truly be a great motivator!  Internationally!!  I want to see the developing of individual’s skills, and the affects from this personal development in their lives.  I see the importance of this as enabling wonderful, capable people to be better than they ever thought they could be.  It comes down to empowerment.  Witnessing another human being in their happiness, achievements and fullness as a product of my assistance is something that brings immeasurable happiness to my life!
Too often we see people lacking confidence.  And this is not only due to of external forces.  Nine times out of ten, this lacking stems from an inner script discounting what we can achieve.  Whether it is from socio-economical struggles, family pressures, societal pressures or gender roles, these detrimental scripts create such unnecessary suffering.  Everyone on this Earth has a beauty and talent that when able to shine only proliferates, filtering back through the World. 
To do this, I myself need to become more settled with satiating my own needs, and allow myself to be driven through my passion which will allow me to find my personal happiness and fulfillment.  Some of this has to do with believing in the realization that I am strong, capable, deserving and desirable in many ways – that will fulfill me and make me happy.  


Sunday, April 6, 2014

Life and it's choices

What are your choices in life right now?
What are you grappling with?

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Talking about inspiration

After seven months in Nairobi, Touching down on my amazing homeland in the fabulous NYC was an incredible, invigorating feeling. I cake here on my way home to visit one of my best friends Jessica kalweit who works for an incredible company-Bespoke Global- representing artists Worldwide whos ingenuity is second to none. It has not only been fabulous to get to be with her and all the creative inspiration she brings to the table, but beautiful to be in such an inspirational city. Having been here less than 24hours i am amazed by the art and creativity all around.
Maybe it's part and parcel to the fact that everyone is crammed into tiny spaces that the value of every inch is enhanced. Therefore everywhere you look someone thought and that nook or cranny, and made its beauty and attributes shine! Or for as far as street art goes, maybe it's trying to shine brighter in a city of jewels.
Here are just a few pictures from myd first day...
From Jess' office, to artists airing out their recent work, poinient street art, interesting design features or patterns inlayed into sidewalks, everywhere you turn, there us something to ignite your sense for curiosity!

Friday, December 7, 2012

Best east African model


Now is the time!
Vote because he's chizzled. Vote because of his fierce gaze. Vote because he is one handsome piece of man!! Or for his big toothy smile:-D
Vote team Emo Rugene for Best East African model!

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Never know

You just never know when something will change your life... Not that anything has happened lately, at least nothing I have noticed, but always every day you are shifting. I am sitting and enjoying my quite weekend after 4 months of fabulous change, incredible work, devastating lose and the introduction of beautiful souls in my ever flavorful life.
I miss my friends and family but also I am constantly overwhelmed with the fact that my fortune in life is incomparable to my past most imagined thoughts of a beautiful life for me.
Kenya is incredible! I still cannot put my finger on it but it might start with the fabulous people, the multi-cultural experience every day, feeling the shifting and movement in an entire economy, or even the constant greater awareness to my surroundings. I am so...there are really no words. But it is something like lucky or fortunate. It overwhelms me with close to tears almost everyday just being so amazed by life.
A recap of this week:
-I started in Nyali, Mombasa on site where me and my favorite electrical contractor and java project manager met at the Moi international airport drinking 100shilling beers awaiting the riots to subside (a prominent Muslim leader had been assassinated so Muslim youths were rioting his death, as only one would expect) MONDAY
- next,on site all day which is always exhilarating and exhausting at the same time. Then it was the same waiting game letting the riots die down so I could get to the airport and back to Nairobi. Apparently the mombasians do not care to riot at night nor in the morning. They can only sustain about 4 hours on average of protest and church burning, then they need to sleep. Disclaimer: All Kenyans confirm this observation. TUESADAY
-So much work, but a friend tore me from my desk to get a beer and some dinner :) that was nice and needed WEDNESDAY
-working soo hard prepping for a meeting Friday and as my dad would say 'putting out fires'. THURSDAY
-during the following work day, I gained a big score for little old me when I received great accolades from my big boss in the way I conducted myself in a meeting
That night settling in with a book, headed to sleep, my friend Diana surprised me, so then I invited my friend Claudia and we had some wine. The two were able to support each other with the recent deaths of their mothers--this may have been one of those life changing moments for them and for me, I realized I could be a conduit, which made me very proud. FRIDAY
- my amazing friend Caroline set me up with the best facial lady (sandie), so I started my morning with beauty and relaxation. Then plopped myself at the village market, discovery new and enjoying old places I have found. Landing finally at beautiful ArtCafe. Never knowing what life will present to me SATURDAY

Thursday, August 16, 2012

How to say I love you

I had a tiny pink slip in my in tray the other day from POSTA the Kenyan Post office.  Our office messenger, Simon - wonderful Simon, takes these slips to the post office and brings back your goodies. 
I didn't know who or where it was from.  To my fabulous surprise it was a package from the States from my wonderful friend Lindsay.  Words cannot describe how happy, special and loved it made me feel!!  I could not, and would not fight back my tears of utter joy.  She decorated a box with SoCal nostalgia which was awesome!! AND I absolutely needed a box for all my pens and things but could not find one here in Kenya -- little did I know that the one I needed was coming with love oozing out of it, from Miss Lindz!  It is filled with magazine articles that I cannot wait to devourer this weekend, lotion, anti-bacterial gel :), Princess lip gloss :D, some candy I will eat after lunch! and a Feng Shui charm for happiness.
Love love love, so much love is all I can say!  Lindsay - you have brought me so much happiness which makes that charm even stronger!
Thank you Lindsay for being an amazing friend and keeping in touch even though 180degrees of the planet separates us!  I love you!!!